Welcome to the Rotary Club of Kardinia. We are a diverse group of action oriented men and women who support local, national and international communities. We are always searching for more action focused people to join us.
Our club includes many really capable and influential people and we meet for breakfast once a week where we discuss community issues, build friendships and plan our action.
We warmly welcome guests at any one of our weekly breakfast meetings to learn more about our community involvement, Rotary and our club.
When Wednesdays 7.15am for 7.30am until 8.30am
Where Royal Geelong Yacht Club, 25 Eastern Beach Rd, Geelong.
Cost No cost to attend the meeting while coffee and/or breakfast are available for purchase.
Members and guests are welcome to stay on later for breakfast or a second coffee! There is no charge for the meeting; coffee and breakfast available for purchase. Parking is available on Eastern Beach Rd, (free up to 9am), or Ritchie Boulevard (free after 9am)
If you'd like to join us for a meeting please contact Henry on henrybrockman@bigpond.com who will ensure we welcome you on the day.