Kardinia Rotary Club is proud to be supporting the Samaratin House Geelong Independent Living Unit Project. The project has been developed to install 7 independent living units within the existing Samaratin House property, with the objective:
To provide homeless men and opportunity to experience self sufficiency by residing in their own independent accommodation for a nominated period, scheduled for 6 months. The aim of the new accommodation is to provide transition opportunities to their own independent Public or Private Housing, thus breaking the homeless cycle. The guests will participate in a program run by the Salvation Army for which there will be a fee equivalent to affordable rent.
Samaratin House has partnered with a number of Geelong Businesses, Educational and Philanthropic organisations to develop this economically viable and sustainable facility to provide a transition option for homeless men. 
We were delighted to have Brian Sherwell, from the Samaratin House Board, join our meeting on August 25th to detail the project to our club and explain how our financial contribution would be used.